--- - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Pörtner, H. O.\rKnust, R." DOI: 10.1126/science.1135471 ISSN: '0036-8075, 1095-9203' Issue: 5808 Journal: Science Pages: 95-97 Title: Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal tolerance URL: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1135471 Volume: 315 Year: 2007 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 2519 _uuid: 215b842d-1f34-40c2-8e0e-04965ad303d6 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1126/science.1135471 href: identifier: 215b842d-1f34-40c2-8e0e-04965ad303d6 uri: /reference/215b842d-1f34-40c2-8e0e-04965ad303d6 - attrs: .reference_type: 7 Author: "Allison, Edward H.\rBadjeck, Marie-Caroline\rMeinhold, Kathrin" Book Title: Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment Editor: 'Shumway, Sandra E.' ISBN: '9780470960967, 9780813814131' Pages: 461-490 Place Published: 'Oxford, UK' Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Reviewer: 34d601bb-7781-4785-bde8-3b10be88994c Title: 'Ch. 17: The implications of global climate change for molluscan aquaculture' Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 930 _uuid: 34d601bb-7781-4785-bde8-3b10be88994c reftype: Book Section child_publication: /book/64ca6609-9c68-4f91-b499-84f25cf21348 href: identifier: 34d601bb-7781-4785-bde8-3b10be88994c uri: /reference/34d601bb-7781-4785-bde8-3b10be88994c - attrs: .reference_type: 10 Author: 'NMFS,' Institution: National Marine Fisheries Service Pages: 172 Place Published: 'Silver Spring, MD' Title: 'Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2009. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA NMFS-F/SPO-118' URL: http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/st5/publication/econ/2009/FEUS%202009%20ALL.pdf Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 2230 _uuid: 4e7a9c25-dc8f-4b57-b72b-adafed7627df reftype: Report child_publication: /report/nmfs-f-spo-118 href: identifier: 4e7a9c25-dc8f-4b57-b72b-adafed7627df uri: /reference/4e7a9c25-dc8f-4b57-b72b-adafed7627df - attrs: .reference_type: 9 Editor: "Markon, Carl J.\rTrainor, Sarah F.\rChapin, F.S., III" Number of Pages: 148 Title: The United States National Climate Assessment – Alaska Technical Regional Report. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1379 URL: http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/1379/pdf/circ1379.pdf Year: 2012 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 1883 _uuid: 6e174e7d-28f7-4ce4-9141-c378d82b4f53 reftype: Edited Book child_publication: /report/usgs-alaska-technicalregionreport-circular1379 href: identifier: 6e174e7d-28f7-4ce4-9141-c378d82b4f53 uri: /reference/6e174e7d-28f7-4ce4-9141-c378d82b4f53 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Gaines, S. D.\rGaylord, B.\rLargier, J. L." DOI: '10.1890/1051-0761(2003)013[0032:ACOIMR]2.0.CO;2' ISSN: 1051-0761 Issue: sp1 Journal: Ecological Applications Pages: S32-S46 Title: Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design URL: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1890/1051-0761%282003%29013%5B0032%3AACOIMR%5D2.0.CO%3B2 Volume: 13 Year: 2003 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 139 _uuid: 79042600-c08d-4569-8741-7f00d598cd02 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1890/1051-0761(2003)013%5B0032:ACOIMR%5D2.0.CO;2 href: identifier: 79042600-c08d-4569-8741-7f00d598cd02 uri: /reference/79042600-c08d-4569-8741-7f00d598cd02 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 .text_styles: '' Author: "Doney, S.C.\rV.J. Fabry\rR.A. Feely\rJ.A. Kleypas" DOI: 10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163834 ISSN: '1941-1405, 1941-0611' Issue: 1 Journal: Annual Review of Marine Science Pages: 169-192 Title: 'Ocean acidification: The other CO2 problem' URL: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163834 Volume: 1 Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL","Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 1207 _uuid: 7ab1d9e1-75a1-48c5-8d85-02258496f919 reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163834 href: identifier: 7ab1d9e1-75a1-48c5-8d85-02258496f919 uri: /reference/7ab1d9e1-75a1-48c5-8d85-02258496f919 - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Sumaila, U. Rashid\rCheung, William W. L.\rLam, Vicky W. Y.\rPauly, Daniel\rHerrick, Samuel" DOI: 10.1038/nclimate1301 ISSN: 1758-678X Issue: 9 Journal: Nature Climate Change Pages: 449-456 Title: Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries URL: http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nclimate1301 Volume: 1 Year: 2011 _chapter: '["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL","Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 2990 _uuid: 8d612e8b-b96e-48db-a8b4-17bcc3550f7d reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1038/nclimate1301 href: identifier: 8d612e8b-b96e-48db-a8b4-17bcc3550f7d uri: /reference/8d612e8b-b96e-48db-a8b4-17bcc3550f7d - attrs: .reference_type: 0 Author: "Cooley, S. R.\rDoney, S. C." DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/4/2/024007 Issue: 024007 Journal: Environmental Research Letters Keywords: fisheries; Marine; ocean acidification Pages: 8 Title: Anticipating ocean acidification’s economic consequences for commercial fisheries URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/4/2/024007/pdf/1748-9326_4_2_024007.pdf Volume: 4 Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 95 _uuid: b33c6aba-d652-4f20-9809-e0948a06bcfd reftype: Journal Article child_publication: /article/10.1088/1748-9326/4/2/024007 href: identifier: b33c6aba-d652-4f20-9809-e0948a06bcfd uri: /reference/b33c6aba-d652-4f20-9809-e0948a06bcfd - attrs: .reference_type: 1 Abstract: "\"The author views his topics and objectives from perspectives that have often been neglected. He attempts to provide elements for the incorporation of oxygen into a level- or domain-specific theory, capable of predicting the risk-minimizing behavior of fishes, both under food and oxygen constrains. His primary concerns focus on advancing a theory of growth.\"--Publisher's description." Author: 'Pauly, D.' Number of Pages: 216 Place Published: 'Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany' Publisher: International Ecology Institute Reviewer: d8db2d8d-d1d1-4d24-b662-67b26b8ac92b Title: 'Gasping Fish and Panting Squids: Oxygen, Temperature and the Growth of Water-Breathing Animals' Year: 2010 _chapter: '["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 2445 _uuid: d8db2d8d-d1d1-4d24-b662-67b26b8ac92b reftype: Book child_publication: /book/458c01d4-613f-4d0d-b712-9c2c6c781651 href: identifier: d8db2d8d-d1d1-4d24-b662-67b26b8ac92b uri: /reference/d8db2d8d-d1d1-4d24-b662-67b26b8ac92b - attrs: .reference_type: 9 Editor: "Karl, T.R.\rJ.T. Melillo\rT.C. Peterson " ISBN: 978-0-521-14407-0 Number of Pages: 189 Place Published: 'New York, NY' Publisher: Cambridge University Press Series Editor: "Karl, T.R.\rJ.T. Melillo\rT.C. Peterson " Title: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States URL: http://downloads.globalchange.gov/usimpacts/pdfs/climate-impacts-report.pdf Year: 2009 _chapter: '["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL","Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","Ch. 16: Northeast FINAL","Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL","Ch. 12: Indigenous FINAL","Ch. 19: Great Plains FINAL","Ch. 2: Our Changing Climate FINAL","Ch. 6: Agriculture FINAL","Ch. 29: Research Needs FINAL","Ch. 11: Urban Systems FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL","Ch. 23: Hawaii FINAL","Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL","RF 12","Ch. 3: Water Resources FINAL","Ch. 30: NCA Long-Term Process FINAL","NCA Report Citations","Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL","RF 1","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL","Ch. 18: Midwest FINAL","Ch. 21: Northwest FINAL","Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]' _record_number: 769 _uuid: e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a reftype: Edited Book child_publication: /report/nca2 href: identifier: e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a uri: /reference/e251f590-177e-4ba6-8ed1-6f68b5e54c8a