References in nca3 finding 22.4

identifier ref type type title publication
215b842d 2007 Journal Article article Climate change affects marine fishes through the oxygen limitation of thermal... Climate Change Affects Marine Fishes Through the Oxygen Limitation of Thermal Tolerance
34d601bb 2011 Book Section book Ch. 17: The implications of global climate change for molluscan aquaculture Shellfish Aquaculture and the ...
4e7a9c25 2010 Report report Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2009. U.S. Department of Commerce, ... Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2009. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA NMFS-F/SPO-118
6e174e7d 2012 Edited Book report The United States National Climate Assessment – Alaska Technical Regional R... The United States National Climate Assessment— Alaska Technical Regional Report
79042600 2003 Journal Article article Avoiding current oversights in marine reserve design Avoiding Current Oversights in Marine Reserve Design
7ab1d9e1 2009 Journal Article article Ocean acidification: The other CO2 problem Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem
8d612e8b 2011 Journal Article article Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries
b33c6aba 2009 Journal Article article Anticipating ocean acidification’s economic consequences for commercial fis... Anticipating ocean acidification’s economic consequences for commercial fisheries
d8db2d8d 2010 Book book Gasping Fish and Panting Squids: Oxygen, Temperature and the Growth of Water-... Gasping Fish and Panting Squid...
e251f590 2009 Edited Book report Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States