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table : local-regional-adaptation-actions
Examples of Local and Regional Adaptation Activities
table 28.3
This table appears in chapter 28 of the Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment report.
- The State of Marine and Coastal Adaptation in North America: A Synthesis of Emerging Ideas. A report for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Bainbridge Island, WA, EcoAdapt. (0291bb38)
- Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: A Review of Water Utility Practices. EPA 800-R-10-001 (c5b5b0ad)
- The City of Lewes Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Action Plan (8ca9b330)
- Preparing for Climate Change in Groton, Connecticut: A Model Process for Communities in the Northeast (8ac7332f)
- U.S. Cities and Climate Change: Urban, Infrastructure, and Vulnerability Issues, Technical Input Report Series, U.S. National Climate Assessment 2011-0101 (01b45a4a)
- City of Chicago Climate Action Plan: Our City. Our Future (9282c7de)
- Adapting to Climate Change: Strategies from King County, Washington (aa82f81a)
- PlaNYC Progress Report 2012. A Greener, Greater New York (7b0bf3a9)
- A Region Responds to a Changing Climate: Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact Counties: Regional Climate Action Plan (9de076ae)
- Climate Change in the Northeast: A Sourcebook. Draft Technical Input Report prepared for the U.S. National Climate Assessment (5f2be58e)
- Assessing heat-adaptive behaviors among older, urban-dwelling adults (b59e368c)
- Climate Change and Infrastructure, Urban Systems, and Vulnerabilities. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment (f0803451)
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