table : indicator-heating-cooling-degree-days-data-pilot

This table appears in the Indicator: Heating and Cooling Degree Days report.

The values shown are the percent difference between the number of degree days in each year and the average number of degree days from 1970-2010.

This table is composed of this array :
4dc63290 (45x3)
year Heating Cooling
1970 6.15 -2.26
1971 3.64 -5.49
1972 6.61 -8.63
1973 -1.35 -2.02
1974 0.18 -10.57
1975 1.69 -6.78
1976 6.88 -18.00
1977 3.91 3.07
1978 11.58 -1.53
1979 7.86 -11.06
1980 5.84 4.84
1981 1.55 -3.31
1982 3.97 -8.71
1983 4.02 -0.16
1984 1.27 -2.66
1985 4.11 -3.47
1986 -4.04 0.73
1987 -2.97 1.78
1988 3.42 3.31
1989 4.64 -6.21
1990 -10.14 2.10
1991 -6.28 7.27
1992 -1.46 -14.93
1993 4.44 -2.18
1994 -0.64 -0.97
1995 0.27 4.28
1996 3.88 -3.39
1997 0.53 -6.05
1998 -11.58 15.01
1999 -7.85 5.41
2000 -1.88 1.62
2001 -6.83 2.91
2002 -4.39 11.30
2003 -0.29 3.31
2004 -4.41 -1.45
2005 -4.15 12.03
2006 -10.78 9.85
2007 -5.55 12.03
2008 -0.42 2.83
2009 -0.60 -0.48
2010 -0.80 16.63
2011 -4.13 17.60
2012 -16.17 19.45
2013 -0.35 3.63
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