--- - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: who-social-2010 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2010 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: A Conceptual Framework for Action on the Social Determinants of Health. Social Determinants of Health Discussion Paper 2 (Policy and Practice) topic: ~ uri: /report/who-social-2010 url: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/44489/1/9789241500852_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1 - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: who-vulnerability-assessment-2013 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2013 report_type_identifier: assessment summary: ~ title: 'Protecting Health from Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment' topic: ~ uri: /report/who-vulnerability-assessment-2013 url: http://www.who.int/globalchange/publications/vulnerability-adaptation/en/ - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wicci-wisconsins-2011 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2011 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Wisconsin’s Changing Climate Impacts and Adaptation topic: ~ uri: /report/wicci-wisconsins-2011 url: http://www.wicci.wisc.edu/publications.php - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: widnr-forestownership-2009 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2009 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Forest Ownership and Parcelization topic: ~ uri: /report/widnr-forestownership-2009 url: ~ - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wmo-attribution-2011 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2011 report_type_identifier: report summary: 'Unusual or extreme weather and climate-related events are of great public concern and interest, yet there are often conflicting messages from scientists about whether such events can be linked to climate change. There is clear evidence that climate has changed as a result of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, and that across the globe some aspects of extremes have changed as a result. But this does not imply that the probability of occurrence (or, given a fixed damage, risk) of a specific type of recently observed weather or climate event has changed significantly as a result of human influence or that it is likely to become more or less frequent in the future. Conversely, it 2 is sometimes stated that it isn’t possible to attribute any individual weather or climate event to a particular cause. Such statements can be interpreted to mean that human induced climate change could never be shown to be at least partly responsible for any specific event. In this paper we propose a way forward through the development of carefully calibrated physically-based assessments of observed weather and climate-related events and identification of any changed risk of such events attributable to particular factors. Although such event-specific assessments have so far only been attempted for a relatively small number of specific cases, we describe research under way, coordinated as part of the international Attribution of Climate-related Events (ACE) initiative, to develop the science needed to better respond to the demand for timely, objective, and authoritative explanations of extreme events. The paper considers the necessary components of a successful attribution system, reviews some specific case studies made to date (2000 UK floods, 2003 European heatwave, 2008 cool US, 2010 Moscow heatwave) and discusses the challenges involved in developing systems to provide regularly updated and reliable attribution assessments of extreme weather and climaterelated events. ' title: Attribution of Weather and Climate-Related Extreme Events topic: ~ uri: /report/wmo-attribution-2011 url: http://library.wmo.int/pmb_ged/wcrp_2011-stott.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: worldbank-econ-2010 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2010 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change: Social Synthesis Report. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development' topic: ~ uri: /report/worldbank-econ-2010 url: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSOCIALDEVELOPMENT/Resources/244362-1232059926563/5747581-1239131985528/EACC_Synthesis_report_final_web.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: 10.1596/1813-9450-6193 frequency: ~ href: identifier: worldbank-investment-2012 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2012 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Investment Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty: Application to Climate Change' topic: ~ uri: /report/worldbank-investment-2012 url: http://dx.doi.org/10.1596/1813-9450-6193 - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wrf-4482 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2013 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Effects of Wildfire on Drinking Water Utilities and Best Practices for Wildfire Risk Reduction and Mitigation topic: ~ uri: /report/wrf-4482 url: http://www.waterrf.org/Pages/Projects.aspx?PID=4482 - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wrf-webreport4228 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2012 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Water Utilities and Climate Change: A Research Workshop on Effective System Adaptation' topic: ~ uri: /report/wrf-webreport4228 url: http://www.waterrf.org/PublicReportLibrary/4228.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wri-reefs-at-risk-2011 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2011 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Reefs at Risk Revisited topic: ~ uri: /report/wri-reefs-at-risk-2011 url: http://www.wri.org/publication/reefs-risk-revisited - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wri-understanding-2002 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2002 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Understanding the Ancillary Effects of Climate Change Policies: A Research Agenda' topic: ~ uri: /report/wri-understanding-2002 url: http://pdf.wri.org/climate_janetos_ancillary.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wrp-estuaries-2011 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2011 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'How Do You Adapt in An Uncertain World? Lessons From the Thames Estuary 2100 Project. Expert Perspectives Series Written for the World Resources Report 2010-2011' topic: ~ uri: /report/wrp-estuaries-2011 url: http://www.wri.org/sites/default/files/uploads/wrr_reeder_and_ranger_uncertainty.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wsdot-civa-2011 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2011 report_type_identifier: assessment summary: ~ title: Climate Impacts Vulnerability Assessment topic: ~ uri: /report/wsdot-civa-2011 url: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/NR/rdonlyres/B290651B-24FD-40EC-BEC3-EE5097ED0618/0/WSDOTClimateImpactsVulnerabilityAssessmentforFHWAFinal.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wsdot-wa-rd-708_1 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2008 report_type_identifier: assessment summary: ~ title: 'Storm-Related Closures of I-5 and I-90: Freight Transportation Economic Impact Assessment Report, Winter 2007-2008' topic: ~ uri: /report/wsdot-wa-rd-708_1 url: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/research/reports/fullreports/708.1.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wuca-options-2009 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2009 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Options for Improving Climate Modeling to Assist Water Utility Planning for Climate Change topic: ~ uri: /report/wuca-options-2009 url: http://www.wucaonline.org/assets/pdf/pubs_whitepaper_120909.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wwf-anthropogenic-2008 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2008 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Anthropogenic Climate Change in the Playa Lakes Joint Venture Region: Understanding Impacts, Discerning Trends, and Developing Responses' topic: ~ uri: /report/wwf-anthropogenic-2008 url: http://www.pljv.org/documents/science/PLJV_climate_change_review.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: wwf-tipping-2009 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2009 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: Major Tipping Points in the Earth’s Climate System and Consequences for the Insurance Sector topic: ~ uri: /report/wwf-tipping-2009 url: http://assets.worldwildlife.org/publications/386/files/original/Major_Tipping_Points_in_the_Earth's_Climate_System_and_Consequences_for_the_Insurance_Sector.pdf?1345749585 - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: yale-assessing-2003 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2003 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Assessing the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Wildfire' topic: ~ uri: /report/yale-assessing-2003 url: http://environment.yale.edu/gisf/files/pdfs/wildfire_report.pdf - _featured_priority: ~ _public: 1 contact_email: ~ contact_note: ~ doi: ~ frequency: ~ href: identifier: yale-gmu-climchammind-2012 in_library: ~ publication_year: 2012 report_type_identifier: report summary: ~ title: 'Climate Change in the American Mind: Public Support for Climate & Energy Policies in March 2012' topic: ~ uri: /report/yale-gmu-climchammind-2012 url: http://environment.yale.edu/climate/files/Policy-Support-March-2012.pdf