reference : Emergency preparedness for vulnerable populations: People with special health-care needs

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Nick, G. A.; Savoia, E.; Elqura, L.; Crowther, M. S.; Cohen, B.; Leary, M.; Wright, T.; Auerbach, J.; Koh, H. K.
Date Mar-Apr
ISSN 1468-2877
Issue 2
Journal Public Health Reports
Keywords Boston; *Community Health Planning; Cooperative Behavior; Cyclonic Storms; *Disabled Persons; *Disaster Planning; Emergency Medical Service Communication Systems; Health Services Accessibility; Humans; Needs Assessment; United States; *Vulnerable Populations
Notes Nick, Gilbert A Savoia, Elena Elqura, Loris Crowther, M Suzanne Cohen, Bradley Leary, Mary Wright, Tina Auerbach, John Koh, Howard K eng U90/CCU124242-03/04/CC/ODCDC CDC HHS/ Consensus Development Conference Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. Washington, D.C. : 1974 2009/03/27 09:00 Public Health Rep. 2009 Mar-Apr;124(2):338-43.
PMID 19320378
Pages 338-343
Title Emergency preparedness for vulnerable populations: People with special health-care needs
Volume 124
Year 2009
Bibliographic identifiers
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_record_number 18948
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