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reference : Role of winter temperature and climate change on the survival and future range expansion of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in eastern North America
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reftype | Journal Article |
Author | Paradis, A. Elkinton, J. Hayhoe, K. Buonaccorsi, J. |
DOI | 10.1007/s11027-007-9127-0 |
Date | Jun |
ISSN | 1381-2386 |
Issue | 5-6 |
Journal | Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change |
Keywords | Adelges tsugae; Climate change; Hemlock; Invasive species; Woolly; adelgid |
Pages | 541-554 |
Title | Role of winter temperature and climate change on the survival and future range expansion of the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) in eastern North America |
Type of Article | Article |
URL | http://www.northeastclimateimpacts.org/pdf/miti/paradis_et_al.pdf |
Volume | 13 |
Year | 2008 |
.reference_type | 0 |
.text_styles | <record><field id="4"><run start="0" /><run face="italic" start="120" /><run start="134" /></field></record> |
_chapter | ["Ch. 16: Northeast FINAL","Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"] |
_record_number | 2421 |
_uuid | ee783a2f-7351-41f0-b8f6-75e93e93f8a7 |