reference : Impacts of climate change and variability on water resources in the Southeast USA

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book Section
Author Sun, G. S. Arumugam P.V. Caldwell P.A. Conrads A.P. Covich J. Cruise J. Feldt A.P. Georgakakos R.T. McNider S.G. McNulty D.A. Marion V. Misra T.C. Rasmussen L. Romolo A. Terando
Book Title Climate of the Southeast United States: Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability
Editor K.T. Ingram K. Dow L. Carter J. Anderson
ISBN 9781610915090
Pages 210-236
Publisher Island Press
Reviewer ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964
Title Impacts of climate change and variability on water resources in the Southeast USA
Year 2013
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 7
_chapter ["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]
_record_number 4074
_uuid ea3445e7-7601-48c1-9a36-bbd7befc0964