reference : Meteorological and hydrological influences on the spatial and temporal prevalence of West Nile virus in Culex mosquitos, Suffolk County, New York

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Shaman, J.; Harding, Kerri; Campbell, Scott R.
DOI 10.1603/ME10269
ISSN 1938-2928
Issue 4
Journal Journal of Medical Entomology
Pages 867-875
Title Meteorological and hydrological influences on the spatial and temporal prevalence of West Nile virus in Culex mosquitos, Suffolk County, New York
Volume 48
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_record_number 19175
_uuid dae864a9-94fc-4cbe-b917-3f14a20e403c