reference : Influence of catastrophic climatic events and human waste on Vibrio distribution in the Karnaphuli Estuary, Bangladesh

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Lara, Rubén J.; Neogi, Sucharit B.; Islam, Mohammad S.; Mahmud, Zahid H.; Yamasaki, Shinji; Nair, Gopinath B.
DOI 10.1007/s10393-009-0257-6
Date 2009/06/01
ISSN 1612-9210
Issue 2
Journal EcoHealth
Keywords storms; tropical estuaries; vibrio; salinity; turbidity; sediment
Language English
Pages 279-286
Title Influence of catastrophic climatic events and human waste on Vibrio distribution in the Karnaphuli Estuary, Bangladesh
Volume 6
Year 2009
Bibliographic identifiers
.publisher Springer-Verlag
.reference_type 0
_record_number 19079
_uuid cb6b5a7f-1946-4c89-b3de-b78cfa3d4b15