reference : Spatio-temporal impact of climate change on the activity and voltinism of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Jonsson, A. M. Appelberg, G. Harding, S. Bärring, L.
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01742.x
ISSN 1365-2486
Issue 2
Journal Global Change Biology
Pages 486-499
Title Spatio-temporal impact of climate change on the activity and voltinism of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus
Volume 15
Year 2009
Bibliographic identifiers
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_chapter ["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]
_record_number 1578
_uuid cb46b046-939c-405d-98ef-6c8e66ea9c5a