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reference : Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples - A Compendium of Case Studies
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- /reference/c816e0ee-d2f7-42af-8ce7-c3e96d395263
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reftype | Book |
Author | Galloway McLean, K. |
ISBN | 978-0-9807084-4-8 |
Number of Pages | 128 |
Place Published | Darwin, Australia |
Publisher | United Nations University - Traditional Knowledge Initiative |
Reviewer | c816e0ee-d2f7-42af-8ce7-c3e96d395263 |
Title | Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples - A Compendium of Case Studies |
URL | http://www.unutki.org/downloads/File/Publications/UNU_Advance_Guard_Compendium_2010_final_web.pdf |
Year | 2010 |
.reference_type | 1 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 12: Indigenous FINAL"] |
_record_number | 52 |
_uuid | c816e0ee-d2f7-42af-8ce7-c3e96d395263 |