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reference : Elevated temperature and light enhance progression and spread of black band disease on staghorn corals of the Great Barrier Reef
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- /reference/baf1cb46-c676-4469-9622-1cba8f970787
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Publication/contributor :
reftype | Journal Article |
Author | Boyett, H.V. Bourne, D.G. Willis, B.L. |
DOI | 10.1007/200227-006-0603-y |
ISSN | 0025-3162 |
Issue | 5 |
Journal | Marine Biology |
Pages | 1711-1720 |
Title | Elevated temperature and light enhance progression and spread of black band disease on staghorn corals of the Great Barrier Reef |
Volume | 151 |
Year | 2007 |
.reference_type | 0 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 24: Oceans FINAL","RF 11"] |
_record_number | 621 |
_uuid | baf1cb46-c676-4469-9622-1cba8f970787 |