--- attrs: .reference_type: 32 Author: "Kunkel, K. E.\rStevens, L. E.\rStevens, S. E.\rSun, L.\rJanssen, E.\rWuebbles, D.\rKonrad, C.E., II\rFuhrman, C.M.\rKeim, B.D.\rKruk, M.C.\rBillet, A.\rNeedham, H.\rSchafer, M.\rDobson, J.G." Pages: 103 Place Published: Washington D.C. Publisher: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service' Series Title: NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS xxx Title: 'Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 2. Climate of the Southeast U.S. NOAA Technical Report 142-2' URL: http://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/technical_reports/NOAA_NESDIS_Tech_Report_142-2-Climate_of_the_Southeast_U.S.pdf Year: 2013 _chapter: '["Ch. 4: Energy Supply and Use FINAL","RG 2 Southeast","Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL"]' _record_number: 1410 _uuid: b50d0bc7-8731-41e7-861c-b88b678f51d0 reftype: Government Document child_publication: /report/noaa-techreport-nesdis-142-2 description: 'Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 2. Climate of the Southeast U.S. NOAA Technical Report 142-2' display_name: 'Regional Climate Trends and Scenarios for the U.S. National Climate Assessment: Part 2. Climate of the Southeast U.S. NOAA Technical Report 142-2' href: identifier: b50d0bc7-8731-41e7-861c-b88b678f51d0 publications: - /report/nca3/chapter/southeast - /report/nca3/chapter/energy-supply-and-use - /report/nca3/chapter/southeast/figure/southeast-temperature-observed-and-projected - /report/nca3/chapter/southeast/finding/effects-of-increased-extreme-heat - /report/nca3/chapter/southeast/finding/decreased-water-availability-impacts - /report/nca3/chapter/energy-supply-and-use/table/energy-regional-impacts - /report/nca3 type: reference uri: /reference/b50d0bc7-8731-41e7-861c-b88b678f51d0