reference : Ch. 11: Climate change, human movement and the promotion of mental health: What have we learnt from earlier global stressors?

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book Section
Author Loughry, M.
Book Title Climate Change and Displacement. Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Editor McAdam, Jane
ISBN 9781849463560
Pages 274 pp
Place Published Oxford, UK and Portland, OR
Publisher Hart Publishing
Reviewer ac2a32ac-2dce-4cf0-943a-f788c508b72a
Title Ch. 11: Climate change, human movement and the promotion of mental health: What have we learnt from earlier global stressors?
Year 2010
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 7
_chapter ["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL"]
_record_number 340
_uuid ac2a32ac-2dce-4cf0-943a-f788c508b72a