reference : Ch. 7: Response of domestic animals to climate challenges

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book Section
Author Gaughan, J. Lacetera, N. Valtorta, S.E. Khalifa, H.H. Hahn, L. Mader, T.
Book Title Biometeorology for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-8921-3_7
Editor Ebi, K.L. Burton, I. McGregor, G.R.
ISBN 978-1-4020-8920-6
Pages 131-170
Publisher Springer Netherlands
Reviewer 9836570e-819f-461c-8e6c-4fbd5c02c8d8
Title Ch. 7: Response of domestic animals to climate challenges
Year 2009
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 7
_chapter ["Ch. 6: Agriculture FINAL"]
_record_number 1442
_uuid 9836570e-819f-461c-8e6c-4fbd5c02c8d8