reference : Mental health outcomes among adults in Galveston and Chambers counties after Hurricane Ike

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Ruggiero, Kenneth J.; Gros, Kirstin; McCauley, Jenna L.; Resnick, Heidi S.; Morgan, Mark; Kilpatrick, Dean G.; Muzzy, Wendy; Acierno, Ron
DOI 10.1001/dmp.2012.7
ISSN 1938-744X
Issue 01
Journal Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
Pages 26-32
Title Mental health outcomes among adults in Galveston and Chambers counties after Hurricane Ike
Volume 6
Year 2012
Bibliographic identifiers
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_chapter Ch8
_record_number 16378
_uuid 9502bb11-b920-48a6-a4ae-c6453a55d3a7