reference : Weather and land cover influences on mosquito populations in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

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reftype Journal Article
Abstract This study compared the spatial and temporal patterns of Culex tarsalis Coquillett and Aedes vexans Meigen populations and examined their relationships with land cover types and climatic variability in Sioux Falls, SD. Between 24 and 30 CDC CO2-baited light traps were set annually in Sioux Falls from May to September 2005-2008. Land cover data were acquired from the 2001 National Land Cover Dataset and the percentages of selected land cover types were calculated within a 600-m buffer zone around each trap. Meteorological information was summarized from local weather stations. Cx. tarsalis exhibited stronger spatial autocorrelation than Ae. vexans. Land cover analysis indicated that Cx. tarsalis was positively correlated with grass/hay, and Ae. vexans was positively correlated with wetlands. No associations were identified between irrigation and the host-seeking population of each species. Higher temperature in the current week and 2 wk prior and higher precipitation 3-4 wk before collection of host-seeking adult mosquitoes had positive influences on Cx. tarsalis abundance. Temperature in the current week and rainfall 2-3 wk before sampling had positive influences on Ae. vexans abundance. This study revealed the different influences of weather and land cover on important mosquito species in the Northern Great Plains region, which can be used to improve local vector control strategies and West Nile virus prevention efforts.
Author Chuang, T. W.; Hildreth, M. B.; Vanroekel, D. L.; Wimberly, M. C.
DOI 10.1603/me10246
Date May
ISSN 1938-2928
Issue 3
Journal Journal of Medical Entomology
Keywords Aedes/*physiology; Animals; Culex/*physiology; Ecosystem; Female; Insect Vectors/physiology; Population Density; South Dakota; Weather; West Nile Fever/prevention & control; West Nile virus/physiology
Notes Chuang, Ting-Wu Hildreth, Michael B Vanroekel, Denise L Wimberly, Michael C eng R01 AI079411/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ R01 AI079411-03/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ R01-AI079411/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/ Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural 2011/06/15 06:00 J Med Entomol. 2011 May;48(3):669-79.
Pages 669-679
Title Weather and land cover influences on mosquito populations in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Volume 48
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
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_record_number 17997
_uuid 945868ae-7a42-4c03-aecf-42d9f4b39a65