reference : Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation Systems and Infrastructure: Gulf Study, Phase I. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Final Report of Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.7

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book
Author CCSP,
Editor Savonis, M.J.; Burkett, V.R.; Potter, J.R.
Number of Pages 445
Place Published Washington, D.C.
Publisher U.S. Department of Transportation
Reviewer 8dbd70c4-cd8c-4dce-b27c-bfb412901e58
Title Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Transportation Systems and Infrastructure: Gulf Study, Phase I. A Report by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. Final Report of Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.7
Year 2008
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 1
_chapter ["Ch. 5: Transportation FINAL"]
_record_number 902
_uuid 8dbd70c4-cd8c-4dce-b27c-bfb412901e58