reference : Financing the Resilient City: a Demand Driven Approach to Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation - An ICLEI White Paper, ICLEI Global Report

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Report
Author ICLEI,
Institution The Next Practice, Ltd., ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Pages 47
Title Financing the Resilient City: a Demand Driven Approach to Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation - An ICLEI White Paper, ICLEI Global Report
Volume Bornheim, Germany
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 10
.text_styles <record><field id="4"><run start="0" /><run face="italic" start="142" /></field></record>
_chapter ["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]
_record_number 3685
_uuid 88c86875-7277-4777-bcf2-d8999501a12d