reference : Long-term integrated studies show complex and surprising effects of climate change in the northern hardwood forest

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Groffman, P.M. Rustad, L.E. Templer, P.H. Campbell, J.L. Christenson, L.M. Lany, N.K. Socci, A.M. Vadeboncouer, M.A. Schaberg, P.G. Wilson, G.F. Driscoll, C.T. Fahey, Timothy J. Fisk, M.C. Goodale, C.L. Green, M.B. Hamburg, Steven P. Johnson, C.E. Mitchell, M.J. Morse, J. L. Pardo, L.H. Rodenhouse, N.L.
DOI 10.1525/bio.2012.62.12.7
ISSN 0006-3568
Issue 12
Journal BioScience
Pages 1056-1066
Title Long-term integrated studies show complex and surprising effects of climate change in the northern hardwood forest
Volume 62
Year 2012
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]
_record_number 1066
_uuid 71a27619-b62e-4138-8727-9ade35b81a60