reference : Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Alternate Journal Hydrobiologia
Author Jeppesen, E. Meerhoff, M. Holmgren, K. Gonzalez-Bergonzoni, I. Teixeira-de Mello, F. Declerck, S. A. J. Meester, L. Søndergaard, M. Lauridsen, T. L. Bjerring, R. Conde-Porcuna, J. M. Mazzeo, N. Iglesias, C. Reizenstein, M. Malmquist, H. J. Liu, Z. W. Balayla, D. Lazzaro, X.
DOI 10.1007/s10750-010-0171-5
Date Jun
ISSN 0018-8158
Issue 1
Journal Hydrobiologia
Keywords Aquatic food webs; Sub-tropical lakes; Piscivory; Planktivory; Benthivory; Eutrophication; Salinisation; Biomanipulation; life-history traits; proliferative kidney-disease; roach; rutilus-rutilus; food-web structure; fresh-water fish; shallow lakes; species richness; class strength; tropical reservoir; perca-fluviatilis
Language English
Pages 73-90
Title Impacts of climate warming on lake fish community structure and potential effects on ecosystem function
Type of Article Article; Proceedings Paper
Volume 646
Year 2010
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 15: Biogeochemical FINAL"]
_record_number 913
_uuid 6ceb89b3-adf0-4486-b4dc-64fc5f4f0079