reference : Adaptive Governance: Integrating Science, Policy, and Decision Making

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reftype Book
Author Brunner, R.D. Steelman, T.A. Coe-Juell, L. Cromley, C.M. Edwards, C.M. Tucker, D.W.
ISBN 0231136250
Number of Pages 326
Place Published New York, New York
Publisher Columbia University Press
Reviewer 644d7b80-cc06-4b76-96f0-22da1cfaf417
Title Adaptive Governance: Integrating Science, Policy, and Decision Making
Year 2005
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 1
_chapter ["Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL"]
_record_number 49
_uuid 644d7b80-cc06-4b76-96f0-22da1cfaf417