reference : Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture. A White Paper from the California Energy Commission’s California Climate Change Center (PIER Program). Publication number: CEC-500-2012-031

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Report
Author Jackson, L. V. R. Haden S. M. Wheeler A. D. Hollander Perlman, J. T. O’Geen V.K. Mehta Clark, V. Williams, J.
Date July 2012
Institution Sacramento, California Energy Commission
Pages 106
Title Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture. A White Paper from the California Energy Commission’s California Climate Change Center (PIER Program). Publication number: CEC-500-2012-031
Year 2012
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 10
_chapter ["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL","RG 5 Southwest"]
_record_number 1768
_uuid 6230e3f3-fafc-47bb-b3e0-6fc09ff7e0a7