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reference : Implications of climate change for recreation in the United States
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- /reference/60072c16-ccdf-4f41-b92f-dbd3ac26f3ba
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Publication/contributor :
reftype | Conference Paper |
Author | Nicholls, S. Ameling, B. Viner, D. |
Conference Location | Folsom, California |
Conference Name | National Association of Recreation Resource Planners Annual Conference |
Date | May 2-4 |
Title | Implications of climate change for recreation in the United States |
URL | http://pileus.msu.edu/ppt/Poster%202005_Tou.ppt |
Year | 2005 |
.reference_type | 33 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 14: Rural Communities FINAL"] |
_record_number | 2216 |
_uuid | 60072c16-ccdf-4f41-b92f-dbd3ac26f3ba |