reference : Artificial UV-B and solar radiation reduce in vitro infectivitiy of the human pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Connelly, S. J. E. A. Wolyniak C. E. Williamson K. L. Jellison
DOI 10.1021/es071324r
Issue 20
Journal Environmental Science and Technology
Label IN
Pages 7101-7106
Title Artificial UV-B and solar radiation reduce in vitro infectivitiy of the human pathogen Cryptosporidium parvum
Volume 41
Year 2007
Bibliographic identifiers
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_chapter ["Ch. 8: Ecosystems FINAL"]
_record_number 109
_uuid 5dc70e2e-799a-4c2d-a1b1-a709711a3b1d