reference : Ch. II: Solid Earth physics: Long wavelength sea level and solid surface perturbations driven by polar ice mass variations: Fingerprinting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet flux

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Book Section
Author Tamisiea, M.E. Mitrovica, J.X. Davis, J.L. Milne, G.A.
Book Title Earth Gravity Field from Space - from Sensors to Earth Sciences
Editor Beutler, G. Rummel, R. Drinkwater, M.R. von Steiger, R.
ISBN 0038-6308
Pages 81-93
Place Published Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers
Reviewer 592f3c06-d869-4093-b6b7-cddd0a3acaa5
Title Ch. II: Solid Earth physics: Long wavelength sea level and solid surface perturbations driven by polar ice mass variations: Fingerprinting Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet flux
Year 2003
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 7
_chapter ["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]
_record_number 3012
_uuid 592f3c06-d869-4093-b6b7-cddd0a3acaa5