reference : Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185

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Publication/contributor :
Bibliographic fields
reftype Report
Author Skaggs, R. Hibbard, K. Frumhoff, Peter Lowry, Thomas Middleton, Richard Pate, Ron Tidwell, Vince Arnold, Jeffrey Avert, Kristen Janetos, Anthony Izaurralde, Cesar Rice, Jennie Rose, Steve
Institution Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pages 152
Place Published Richland, Washington
Title Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185
Year 2012
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 10
_chapter ["RF 7","Ch. 4: Energy Supply and Use FINAL","Ch. 28: Adaptation FINAL","RF 12","Ch. 10: Energy Water Land FINAL"]
_record_number 2862
_uuid 552cc5f5-a7b3-4a64-8bee-98ae0cced150