reference : Variation of the North Atlantic subtropical high western ridge and its implication to Southeastern US summer precipitation

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Li, L. Li, W. Kushnir, Y.
DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1214-y
Date September 2012
ISSN 0930-7575
Issue 6
Journal Climate Dynamics
Pages 1401-1412
Title Variation of the North Atlantic subtropical high western ridge and its implication to Southeastern US summer precipitation
Volume 39
Year 2012
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 17: Southeast and Caribbean FINAL","Appendix 3: Climate Science FINAL"]
_record_number 1757
_uuid 5481f794-fdec-481b-b00a-942d5016770b