reference : Alaska’s changing fire regime — implications for the vulnerability of its boreal forests

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Kasischke, Eric S. Verbyla, David L. Rupp, T. Scott McGuire, A. David Murphy, Karen A. Jandt, Randi Barnes, Jennifer L. Hoy, Elizabeth E. Duffy, Paul A. Calef, Monika Turetsky, Merritt R.
DOI 10.1139/X10-098
ISSN 0045-5067
Issue 7
Journal Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Keywords fire regime; forestry
Pages 1313-1324
Title Alaska’s changing fire regime — implications for the vulnerability of its boreal forests
Volume 40
Year 2010
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 22: Alaska FINAL"]
_record_number 71
_uuid 42edd52a-2558-4f59-b18b-dab0ba9e0ec9