reference : A Methodological Approach for Pricing Flood Insurance and Evaluating Loss Reduction Measures: Application to Texas, Wharton Risk Management Center and CoreLogic, Philadelphia, PA and Santa Ana, CA

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reftype Report
Author Czajkowski, J Kunreuther, H Michel-Kerjan, E.
Date January 2012
Pages 87
Title A Methodological Approach for Pricing Flood Insurance and Evaluating Loss Reduction Measures: Application to Texas, Wharton Risk Management Center and CoreLogic, Philadelphia, PA and Santa Ana, CA
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 10
_chapter ["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL","RG 10 Coasts"]
_record_number 1111
_uuid 246f7861-f336-4b7a-abee-8c5c2755fbd7