reference : Sea level variations along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast: Tectonic and climate controls

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Access Date 2013/07/26
Author Komar, Paul D. Allan, Jonathan C. Ruggiero, Peter
DOI 10.2112/jcoastres-d-10-00116.1
Date 2011/09/01
ISSN 0749-0208
Issue 5
Journal Journal of Coastal Research
Pages 808-823
Title Sea level variations along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast: Tectonic and climate controls
Volume 27
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
.publisher Coastal Education and Research Foundation
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 25: Coastal Zone FINAL"]
_record_number 3782
_uuid 20494bbe-bf54-433a-867c-5bc12af15163