reference : Health care access, use of services, and experiences among undocumented Mexicans and other Latinos

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Ortega, Alexander N.; Fang, Hai; Perez, Victor H.; Rizzo, John A.; Carter-Pokras, Olivia; Wallace, Steven P.; Gelberg, Lillian
DOI 10.1001/archinte.167.21.2354
ISSN 1538-3679
Issue 21
Journal Archives of Internal Medicine
Pages 2354-2360
Title Health care access, use of services, and experiences among undocumented Mexicans and other Latinos
Volume 167
Year 2007
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter Ch9
_record_number 17873
_uuid 1a488f7f-f7ff-4118-9422-2775c2159f49