reference : Mapping climate change vulnerabilities to infectious diseases in Europe

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Accession Number 22113877
Alternate Journal Environmental health perspectives
Author Semenza, J. C. Suk, J. E. Estevez, V. Ebi, K. L. Lindgren, E.
Author Address European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
DOI 10.1289/ehp.1103805
Date Nov 23
Epub Date 2011/11/25
ISSN 1552-9924 (Electronic); 0091-6765 (Linking)
Issue 3
Journal Environmental Health Perspectives
Language Eng
Pages 385-92
Title Mapping climate change vulnerabilities to infectious diseases in Europe
UUID Food/water-borne disease, Vector-borne disease, 3c, 5, non-US
Volume 120
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_chapter ["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL","Overview"]
_record_number 2811
_uuid 12b8de4f-5527-4afb-88fd-056fafdd9b12