reference : Disaster-related exposures and health effects among US Coast Guard responders to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Author Rusiecki, Jennifer A.; Thomas, Dana L.; Chen, Ligong; Funk, Renée; McKibben, Jodi; Dayton, Melburn R.
DOI 10.1097/jom.0000000000000188
ISSN 1536-5948
Issue 8
Journal Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Pages 820-833
Title Disaster-related exposures and health effects among US Coast Guard responders to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Volume 56
Year 2014
Bibliographic identifiers
.reference_type 0
_record_number 18217
_uuid 12326139-d074-4882-9ac6-555855b08a51