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reference : Ch. 3: Impacts of human alteration of the nitrogen cycle in the US on radiative forcing
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- /reference/061d6ff2-42ec-4051-8c3f-416e30680df0
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reftype | Book Section |
Author | Pinder, R. W. Schlesinger G. Bonan N. Bettez T. Greaver W. Wieder E. A. Davidson |
Book Title | The Role of Nitrogen in Climate Change and the Impacts of Nitrogen-Climate Interactions on Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems, Agriculture and Human Health in the United States: A Technical Report Submitted to the US National Climate Assessment |
Editor | E. C. Suddick E. A. Davidson |
Pages | 45-65 |
Place Published | Falmouth, MA |
Publisher | North American Nitrogen Center of the International Nitrogen Initiative (NANC-INI), Woods Hole Research Center |
Reviewer | 061d6ff2-42ec-4051-8c3f-416e30680df0 |
Title | Ch. 3: Impacts of human alteration of the nitrogen cycle in the US on radiative forcing |
URL | http://nitrogennorthamerica.org/pdf/NxCC_NCA_report_2012.pdf |
Year | 2012 |
.reference_type | 7 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 15: Biogeochemical FINAL"] |
_record_number | 2501 |
_uuid | 061d6ff2-42ec-4051-8c3f-416e30680df0 |