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reference : Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California
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- /reference/04add85e-594b-4d92-83a6-fdce66b73aa4
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Publication/contributor :
reftype | Journal Article |
Author | Dettinger, M.D. Ralph, F.M. Das, T. Neiman, P.J. Cayan, D.R. |
DOI | 10.3390/w3020445 |
Issue | 2 |
Journal | Water |
Pages | 445-478 |
Title | Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California |
URL | http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/3/2/445/pdf |
Volume | 3 |
Year | 2011 |
.reference_type | 0 |
_chapter | ["Ch. 20: Southwest FINAL"] |
_record_number | 135 |
_uuid | 04add85e-594b-4d92-83a6-fdce66b73aa4 |