reference : Weather, water quality and infectious gastrointestinal illness in two Inuit communities in Nunatsiavut, Canada: Potential implications for climate change

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Bibliographic fields
reftype Journal Article
Accession Number 21785890
Alternate Journal EcoHealth
Author Harper, S. L. Edge, V. L. Schuster-Wallace, C. J. Berke, O. McEwen, S. A.
Author Address Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada,
DOI 10.1007/s10393-011-0690-1
Date Mar
Epub Date 2011/07/26
ISSN 1612-9210
Issue 1
Journal Ecohealth
Language eng
Pages 93-108
Title Weather, water quality and infectious gastrointestinal illness in two Inuit communities in Nunatsiavut, Canada: Potential implications for climate change
UUID Food/water-borne disease, Water quality, Water insecurity, 6 (Arctic), non-US
Volume 8
Year 2011
Bibliographic identifiers
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_chapter ["Ch. 9: Human Health FINAL","Overview"]
_record_number 1798
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