table : percent-population-active-asthma-characteristics

Percentage of population with active asthma, by year and selected characteristics: United States, 2001 and 2010

table 3.1

This table appears in chapter 3 of the The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment report.

Source: Moorman et al. 20126c82bf48-e3c7-4152-9b3f-d18ad0f6cdea

This table is composed of this array :
dc859242 (38x3)
Characteristic Year 2001 % Year 2010 %
Total 7.3 8.4
Male 6.3 7
Female 8.3 9.8
White 7.2 7.8
Black 8.4 11.9
Other 7.2 8.1
Hispanic 5.8 7.2
Non-Hispanic 7.6 8.7
Children (0-17) 8.7 9.3
Adults (18 and older) 6.9 8.2
Age Group
0-4 years 5.7 6
5-14 years 9.9 10.7
15-34 years 8 8.6
35-64 years 6.7 8.1
65 years and older 6 8.1
Northeast 8.3 8.8
Midwest 7.5 8.6
South 7.1 8.3
West 6.7 8.3
Federal Poverty Threshold
Below 100% 9.9 11.2
100% to < 250% 7.7 8.7
250% to < 450% 6.8 8.2
450% or higher 6.6 7.1

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