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Workshop Report : usgcrp-towards-scenarios-us-demographic-change-workshop-report-2015
Towards Scenarios of U.S. Demographic Change: Workshop Report
2015 workshop report
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This report has 6 chapters, 4 figures , 0 findings, 2 tables and 0 references
- 8 articles are cited by this report : Improving the contribution of climate model information to decision making: the value and demands of robust decision frameworks, The Limits of Population Forecasting, Social Learning, Social Influence, and New Models of Fertility, A Short Method for Projecting Population by Age from One Decennial Census to Another, Small-area population forecasting: borrowing strength across space and time, Downscaling drivers of global environmental change: Enabling use of global SRES scenarios at the national and grid levels, Regional, national, and spatially explicit scenarios of demographic and economic change based on SRES, The representative concentration pathways: an overview.
- 2 books are cited by this report : A Practitioner's Guide to Stat..., World Population and Human Cap....
- 11 reports are cited by this report : rmi-w02-18, census-governmentsdivisionreportseries-researchreport-2009-1, census-methodology-2012projections, epa-600-r-08-076f, ipcc-ar4-wg1, unep-geo5, ipcc-sres, house-document-113-139, florida-department-community-affairs-local-government-guide-population-2007, mea-scenarios-vol2, ipcc-ar4-wg2.
- 3 webpages are cited by this report : webpage Interagency Working Groups, webpage Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan, webpage Scenarios and Interpretive Science Coordinating Group Resources.
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