table : indicator-arctic-sea-ice-extent-data-pilot

This table appears in the Indicator: Arctic Sea Ice Extent report.

Sea ice extent is expressed in million square miles of sea ice in September.

This table is composed of this array :
520ef000 (37x2)
year Sea Ice Extent
1979 2.78
1980 3.03
1981 2.8
1982 2.88
1983 2.9
1984 2.75
1985 2.68
1986 2.91
1987 2.89
1988 2.89
1989 2.72
1990 2.41
1991 2.53
1992 2.92
1993 2.51
1994 2.77
1995 2.37
1996 3.04
1997 2.6
1998 2.53
1999 2.41
2000 2.44
2001 2.61
2002 2.3
2003 2.37
2004 2.34
2005 2.15
2006 2.29
2007 1.66
2008 1.83
2009 2.08
2010 1.9
2011 1.79
2012 1.4
2013 2.08
2014 2.04
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