table : indicator-terrestrial-carbon-storage-data-pilot

This table appears in the Indicator: Terrestrial Carbon Storage report.

Carbon dioxide stored is expressed in million metric tons per year.

This table is composed of this array :
9c8d8a37 (23x4)
Year Forests Urban forests Croplands and grasslands
1990 696.8 47.5 26.1
1991 688.1 48.6 41.1
1992 682.5 49.7 31
1993 684.7 50.8 29.7
1994 709.6 51.9 55
1995 715.6 53 15.6
1996 720.5 54.1 39.9
1997 687.8 55.2 34.2
1998 631.4 56.2 29.3
1999 567.1 57.3 24.2
2000 544 58.4 66.1
2001 646.9 59.4 19.4
2002 777.5 60.3 10.1
2003 885.8 61.3 0.7
2004 922.8 62.2 4.7
2005 905 63.2 18
2006 871.9 64.1 14.8
2007 859.3 65 -6
2008 833.3 66 -7.5
2009 811.3 66.9 -8.3
2010 817.6 67.9 -10
2011 833.5 68.8 -10.2
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