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dataset : Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly
Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly
Published in 1997. Version Version 2 (temperature), Version 3 (precipitation).The GHCN-monthly data set provides monthly mean in situ surface air temperature and precipitation data. Data is available for some locations dating back to the 1700s. There is global coverage from 1880 to the present. The data is updated each month with the most recent month's data. Quality controlled and homogeneity adjusted data sets are available. There are 7,280 mean temperature stations and more than 20,000 precipitation stations.
Identified by : N/A
This dataset was accessed on May 13, 2013.
The temporal extent of this dataset is 1880-01-31T00:00:00/2013-08-31T00:00:00.
- 6 images were derived from this dataset : image 69da6d93, image f69194e8, image 9515d4e2, image 565bd0f6, image 9a1fc7f5, image ff6a7a8e.
When citing this dataset please refer to Temperature: Lawrimore, J. H., M. J. Menne, B. E. Gleason, C. N. Williams, D. B. Wuertz, R. S. Vose, and J. Rennie (2011), An overview of the Global Historical Climatology Network monthly mean temperature data set, version 3, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19121, doi:10.1029/2011JD016187. Precipitation: Vose, R. S., R. L. Schmoyer, P. M. Steurer, T. C. Peterson, R. Heim, T. R. Karl, and J. Eischeid, 1992: The Global Historical Climatology Network: Long-term monthly temperature, precipitation, sea level pressure, and station pressure data. ORNL/CDIAC-53, NDP-041, 325 pp. [Available from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831.].
Attributes : Monthly mean maximum temperature, monthly mean minimum temperature, monthly mean temperature, and total monthly precipitation
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