--- aliases: - context: missionID lexicon: ceos term: 210 url: http://database.eohandbook.com/database/missionsummary.aspx?missionID=210 - context: Mission lexicon: ceos term: Topex-Poseidon url: http://database.eohandbook.com/database/missionindex.aspx#T - context: resource lexicon: dbpedia term: TOPEX/Poseidon url: http://wikipedia.org/wiki/TOPEX/Poseidon - context: platform lexicon: gcmd term: e5eb6afb-5d3e-4767-ad08-5293c5b2d88b url: http://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/static/kms/concept/e5eb6afb-5d3e-4767-ad08-5293c5b2d88b - context: Platform lexicon: podaac term: TOPEX/POSEIDON url: http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/datasetlist?ids=Platform&values=TOPEX/POSEIDON cited_by: [] contributors: - display_name: 'Funding Agency : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ' href: id: 3695 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration identifier: national-aeronautics-space-administration name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.nasa.gov organization_uri: /organization/national-aeronautics-space-administration person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: funding_agency uri: /contributor/3695 - display_name: "Funding Agency : Centre National D'études Spatiales " href: id: 3696 organization: country_code: FR display_name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " identifier: centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.cnes.fr organization_uri: /organization/centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: funding_agency uri: /contributor/3696 - display_name: 'Contributor : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ' href: id: 3713 organization: country_code: US display_name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration identifier: national-aeronautics-space-administration name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration organization_type_identifier: federal type: organization url: http://www.nasa.gov organization_uri: /organization/national-aeronautics-space-administration person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: contributor uri: /contributor/3713 - display_name: "Contributor : Centre National D'études Spatiales " href: id: 3715 organization: country_code: FR display_name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " identifier: centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales name: "Centre National D'études Spatiales " organization_type_identifier: national type: organization url: http://www.cnes.fr organization_uri: /organization/centre-national-d-etudes-spatiales person: {} person_id: ~ person_uri: ~ role_type_identifier: contributor uri: /contributor/3715 description: "TOPEX/Poseidon (or simply T/P) is a cooperative Earth observation mission of the USA and France (NASA/JPL and CNES as partners) with the overall objective to provide high-accuracy global sea level (ocean height) measurements in coordinates relative to the center of the Earth. From this information, ocean circulation patterns can be mapped. The T/P data analysis helps to understand how the oceans interact with the atmosphere, and improve our ability to predict the global climate. NASA provided the satellite bus, five instruments, and is responsible for spacecraft operations. CNES furnished two of the spacecraft's instruments and the mission's Ariane launch vehicle." description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/topex-poseidon display_name: topex-poseidon end_date: 2006-01-18T00:00:00 files: - display_name: TOPEX_Auto0.jpg file: 6b/2d/10f53ef829a7f8507356801cd6fd/TOPEX_Auto0.jpg href: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/6b/2d/10f53ef829a7f8507356801cd6fd/TOPEX_Auto0.jpg identifier: e1c4eda2-6de8-4754-a8ad-caa46c3a48c3 landing_page: https://eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/t/topex-poseidon location: ~ mime_type: image/jpeg sha1: 3673664fdff2a9ebc8dee05165a1bb746d43c197 size: 60468 thumbnail: 6b/2d/10f53ef829a7f8507356801cd6fd/.thumb-e1c4eda2-6de8-4754-a8ad-caa46c3a48c3.png thumbnail_href: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/6b/2d/10f53ef829a7f8507356801cd6fd/.thumb-e1c4eda2-6de8-4754-a8ad-caa46c3a48c3.png type: file uri: /file/e1c4eda2-6de8-4754-a8ad-caa46c3a48c3 url: http://data.globalchange.gov/assets/6b/2d/10f53ef829a7f8507356801cd6fd/TOPEX_Auto0.jpg href: identifier: topex-poseidon instruments: - description: "The TOPEX/Poseidon microwave radiometer was a three-frequency sensor used to estimate the atmospheric water vapor content in the nadir column through which the altimeter signal is traveling. Since water vapor distorts the altimeter's reading, the water vapor content is measured to correct the altimetry measurement. The sensor uses one frequency to make the measurement, and two frequencies to remove the effects of wind speed and cloud cover. There is a backup receiver for the measurement frequency.\n" description_attribution: "The TOPEX/Poseidon microwave radiometer was a three-frequency sensor used to estimate the atmospheric water vapor content in the nadir column through which the altimeter signal is traveling. Since water vapor distorts the altimeter's reading, the water vapor content is measured to correct the altimetry measurement. The sensor uses one frequency to make the measurement, and two frequencies to remove the effects of wind speed and cloud cover. There is a backup receiver for the measurement frequency.\n" identifier: topex-microwave-radiometer name: TOPEX Microwave Radiometer uri: /instrument/topex-microwave-radiometer - description: "The dual-frequency NASA radar altimeter, NRA, was the primary instrument aboard the spacecraft. It worked by sending radio pulses at 13.6 GHz and 5.3 GHz toward the earth and measuring the characteristics of the echo. By combining this measurement with data from the microwave radiometer and with other information from the spacecraft and the ground, scientists were able to calculate the height of the sea surface to within 4.3 centimeters.\n" description_attribution: "The dual-frequency NASA radar altimeter, NRA, was the primary instrument aboard the spacecraft. It worked by sending radio pulses at 13.6 GHz and 5.3 GHz toward the earth and measuring the characteristics of the echo. By combining this measurement with data from the microwave radiometer and with other information from the spacecraft and the ground, scientists were able to calculate the height of the sea surface to within 4.3 centimeters.\n" identifier: topex-nasa-radar-altimeter name: TOPEX NASA Radar Altimeter uri: /instrument/topex-nasa-radar-altimeter - description: "DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) is a Doppler satellite tracking system developed for precise orbit determination and precise ground location.\r\n" description_attribution: "DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite) is a Doppler satellite tracking system developed for precise orbit determination and precise ground location.\r\n" identifier: doris name: Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite uri: /instrument/doris - description: "This passive sensor of JPL is used by a ground laser network (of 10-15 SLR stations) to track the position of the satellite for precision orbit determination (verification of altitude measurements). The mass of LRA is 29 kg; the LRA accuracy depends on laser station characteristics. The LRA is used to calibrate the other location systems on the satellite (DORIS, GPSDR) with a very high degree of precision.\n" description_attribution: "This passive sensor of JPL is used by a ground laser network (of 10-15 SLR stations) to track the position of the satellite for precision orbit determination (verification of altitude measurements). The mass of LRA is 29 kg; the LRA accuracy depends on laser station characteristics. The LRA is used to calibrate the other location systems on the satellite (DORIS, GPSDR) with a very high degree of precision.\n" identifier: laser-retroreflector-array name: Laser Retroreflector Array uri: /instrument/laser-retroreflector-array - description: "SSALT is also referred to as Poseidon-1. The single instrument frequency is 13.65 GHz (Ku-band). SSALT is an experimental altimeter (of CNES, built by Alcatel Alenia Space, formerly Alcatel Espace, Toulouse) to demonstrate the concept of low-power, low-mass, low data rate (1/7 the rate of NRA due to extensive on-board processing) and low-cost altimeter for future Earth observing missions.\n" description_attribution: "SSALT is also referred to as Poseidon-1. The single instrument frequency is 13.65 GHz (Ku-band). SSALT is an experimental altimeter (of CNES, built by Alcatel Alenia Space, formerly Alcatel Espace, Toulouse) to demonstrate the concept of low-power, low-mass, low data rate (1/7 the rate of NRA due to extensive on-board processing) and low-cost altimeter for future Earth observing missions.\n" identifier: poseidon-1 name: Positioning Ocean Solid Earth Ice Dynamics Orbiting Navigator (Single frequency solid state radar altimeter) uri: /instrument/poseidon-1 name: Topographic Experiment/Poseidon parents: [] platform_type_identifier: spacecraft references: [] start_date: 1992-08-10T00:00:00 type: platform uri: /platform/topex-poseidon url: http://topex-www.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/topex.html