Platform : rsted-oersted


Centre National D'études Spatiales , Danish National Space Center
November, 1999 to December, 2015

Ørsted is a geomagnetic research microsatellite mission of Denmark [named in honor of the Danish scientist Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851) who discovered electromagnetism in 1820]. The Ørsted mission was developed by a consortium of organizations including the NBI (Niels Bohr Institute) of the University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division of DMI (Danish Meteorological Institute), the Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI) of Copenhagen, Terma A/S, and Computer Resources International (now part of Terma A/S). International contributions were provided by NASA, CNES, DLR and ESA.
Instrument Datasets
OM 0
CSC fluxgate vector magnetometer 0
GPS Radio Occultation System 0
Star Imager 0

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