Platform : resource-satellite-first-series-number-4

Resource satellite first series number 4

Russian Federal Space Agency
July, 1998 to February, 2002

Resurs-O1 is a Russian/CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) satellite series. The program was initiated by the USSR defense ministry in 1977 with the objective of observing and monitoring natural Earth resources (similar in function and objectives to the Landsat series of the USA). The very successful early Landsat program (with launches of LS-1 on July 23, 1972, LS-2 on Jan. 22, 1975, LS-3 on March 5, 1978) prompted this reaction of the Soviet Union. The Resurs-O1 program was initially managed by ROSHYDROMET (State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring) of Moscow - and later by NPO Planeta, an institution of ROSHYDROMET. NPO Planeta was also the operator of the Resurs-O1 spacecraft series.
Instrument Datasets
Scanning visual band telephotometer 0
Multispectral high resolution electronic scanner 0
Multispectral medium resolution conical scanner 0
Radiation Measurement Complex 0
Scanner for Earth's Radiation Budget 0

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