Platform : geostationary-operational-environmental-satellite-15

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 15

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
March, 2010 to January, 2017

For a number of years the designation GOES-Next (N) was used to identify the first of the satellites that would follow the GOES I-M series. It was also thought this GOES-N would be the start of a totally new generation satellite series. However, during the time frame of about 1992-95, NOAA and NASA have come to realize that a new generation satellite series would take at least a decade to define, develop, manufacture, and to launch. This new situation made both parties (NOAA, NASA) realize it would need a few more clones of the current GOES I-M series to maintain continuity of GOES service prior to the GOES Next being available.
Instrument Datasets
Communications package on GOES 0
Imager 4
Low-Rate Information Transmission 0
Space Environment Monitor 0
Search and Rescue 0
Sounder 0
Solar X-ray Imager 0

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