Platform : fy-3c-polar-orbiting-meteorological-satellite

FY-3C Polar-orbiting Meteorological Satellite

National Satellite Meteorological Center/Chinese Meterological Administration, National Remote Sensing Centre of China
September, 2013 to September, 2016

The FY-3 series of CMA/NSMC (China Meteorological Administration/National Satellite Meteorological Center) represents the (follow-on of FY-1 series). The FY-3 series represents a cooperative program between CMA and CNSA (China National Space Administration); it was initially approved in 1998 and entered full-scale development in 1999. Key aspects of the FY-3 satellite series include collecting atmospheric data for intermediate- and long-term weather forecasting and global climate research.
Instrument Datasets
Total Ozone Unit & Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder 0
Multispectral Visible and Infra-red Scan Radiometer (10 channels) 0
Earth Radiation Measurement 0
Improved MicroWave Atmospheric Sounder 0
InfraRed Atmospheric Sounder 0
Medium Resolution Spectral Imager 0
Multichannel Infrared Atmospheric Sounder 0
Improved MicroWave Humidity Sounder 0
MicroWave Radiation Imager 0
Improved Microwave Temperature Sounder 0
Space Environment Suite, improved SEM 0
Solar Irradiation Monitor 0
Solar Irradiation Monitor-2 0

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