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@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dbpprop: <> .
@prefix gcis: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

   dcterms:identifier "communication-oceanographic-meteorological-satellite";
   dcterms:title "Communication, Oceanographic, Meteorological Satellite"^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:description "In 1996, Korea established its long-term plan of the National Space Program which was revised in 2000 to accommodate the public and civilian demand for satellite utilization and to maintain the continuity of satellite services. The plan prospects the details of the future space activities of Korea until 2015 and serves as a basis for space development in Korea. In response to this space plan, the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) started to define and formulate the basic requirements for COMS-1, the first geostationary meteorological satellite mission of Korea. - Note: The nickname Collian means long distance view (literally “Thousand Li View”) in Korean."^^xsd:string;
   dcterms:source "";
   dcterms:type "spacecraft";
   dbpprop:launchDate "2010-06-26T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   dbpprop:deactivated "2018-03-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime;
   gcis:hasInstrument <>;
   gcis:hasInstrument <>;

   a gcis:Platform .

## This entity was produced by an organization:     
   prov:qualifiedAttribution [
      a prov:Attribution;
      prov:agent <>;
      prov:hadRole <>;
      ] .

## This entity was produced by an organization:     
   prov:qualifiedAttribution [
      a prov:Attribution;
      prov:agent <>;
      prov:hadRole <>;
      ] .

## This entity was produced by an organization:     
   prov:qualifiedAttribution [
      a prov:Attribution;
      prov:agent <>;
      prov:hadRole <>;
      ] .

## This entity was produced by an organization:     
   prov:qualifiedAttribution [
      a prov:Attribution;
      prov:agent <>;
      prov:hadRole <>;
      ] .

## Also known as:
   skos:altLabel "524";
   gcis:hasURL "";
   skos:exactMatch <> .
   skos:altLabel "COMS";
   gcis:hasURL "";
   skos:exactMatch <> .
   skos:altLabel "Chollian";
   gcis:hasURL "";
   owl:sameAs <>;
   skos:exactMatch <> .