--- - description: 'The INSAT-3 series of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) is a multipurpose spacecraft with an all Ku-band transponder layout for direct-to-home television and roof-top data communication. The satellites incorporate state-of-the-art communication technology such as high power antennas, steerable beam and digital compression/decompression capabilities. The solar panel of the INSAT-3A spacecraft uses an advanced rigid deployable sun-oriented array of GaAs/Ge cells with an area of 26.5 m.' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/insat-3 end_date: 2020-07-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-national-satellite-3d name: 'Indian National Satellite - 3D' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2013-07-26T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-national-satellite-3d url: http://www.isro.org/ - description: 'Following the successful demonstration flights of Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2 - experimental Earth observation satellites developed and built by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) - and launched in 1979 and 1981, respectively, India began the development of an (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite) program. India realized quite early that sustaining its space program in the long run would depend on indigenous technological capabilities (in particular, US export restrictions made this clear). Keeping this in mind, besides building satellites, India embarked as well on satellite launch vehicle development in the early 1970s. As a consequence, India has two very capable launch systems at the start of the 21st century, namely PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs end_date: 1994-01-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1a name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1A' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1988-03-17T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1a url: http://www.isro.org/insat2b.htm - description: 'Following the successful demonstration flights of Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2 - experimental Earth observation satellites developed and built by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) - and launched in 1979 and 1981, respectively, India began the development of an (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite) program. India realized quite early that sustaining its space program in the long run would depend on indigenous technological capabilities (in particular, US export restrictions made this clear). Keeping this in mind, besides building satellites, India embarked as well on satellite launch vehicle development in the early 1970s. As a consequence, India has two very capable launch systems at the start of the 21st century, namely PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs end_date: 2002-08-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1b name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1B' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1991-08-29T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1b url: http://www.isro.org/insat2b.htm - description: IRS-1C is an ISRO-built (Indian Space Research Organization) second generation remote sensing satellite with enhanced capabilities in terms of spatial resolution and spectral bands. description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs-1c-1d end_date: 2007-09-21T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1c name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1C' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1995-12-28T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1c url: http://www.isro.org/insat2b.htm - description: IRS-1C is an ISRO-built (Indian Space Research Organization) second generation remote sensing satellite with enhanced capabilities in terms of spatial resolution and spectral bands. description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs-1c-1d end_date: 2010-01-02T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1d name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - 1D' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1997-09-29T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-1d url: http://www.isro.org/insat2b.htm - description: 'Following the successful demonstration flights of Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2 - experimental Earth observation satellites developed and built by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) - and launched in 1979 and 1981, respectively, India began the development of an (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite) program. India realized quite early that sustaining its space program in the long run would depend on indigenous technological capabilities (in particular, US export restrictions made this clear). Keeping this in mind, besides building satellites, India embarked as well on satellite launch vehicle development in the early 1970s. As a consequence, India has two very capable launch systems at the start of the 21st century, namely PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs end_date: 1997-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-p2 name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - P2' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1994-10-15T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-p2 url: http://www.isro.org/insat2b.htm - description: 'Following the successful demonstration flights of Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2 - experimental Earth observation satellites developed and built by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) - and launched in 1979 and 1981, respectively, India began the development of an (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite) program. India realized quite early that sustaining its space program in the long run would depend on indigenous technological capabilities (in particular, US export restrictions made this clear). Keeping this in mind, besides building satellites, India embarked as well on satellite launch vehicle development in the early 1970s. As a consequence, India has two very capable launch systems at the start of the 21st century, namely PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) and GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/irs end_date: 2003-12-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: indian-remote-sensing-satellite-p3 name: 'Indian Remote Sensing Satellite - P3' platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1996-03-21T00:00:00 uri: /platform/indian-remote-sensing-satellite-p3 url: http://www.isro.org/irsp3.htm - description: 'Experiments in JEM/Kibo focus on space medicine, biology, Earth observations, material production, biotechnology and communications research. Kibo experiments and systems are operated from the Mission Control Room in the SSOF (Space Station Operations Facility) at the Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC) in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, just north of Tokyo.' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iss-jemef end_date: 2011-01-19T00:00:00 href: identifier: international-space-station-japanese-experiment-mo name: International Space Station/Japanese Experiment Mo platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2009-09-10T00:00:00 uri: /platform/international-space-station-japanese-experiment-mo url: http://iss.jaxa.jp/iss/index_e.html - description: 'JERS-1 (nickname of Fuyo-1) is a joint NASDA/MITI/STA [National Space Development Agency (Japan)/Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)/Science and Technology Agency (Japan)] radar satellite project (NASDA/STA developed the satellite (built by Mitsubishi Electric Co.); MITI sponsored the instruments). The overall objectives call for: Generation of global data sets with SAR and OPS sensors in order to survey resources; establishing an integrated Earth observation system, verifying instrument/system performances. The mission applications focus on: survey of geological phenomena, land usage (agriculture, forestry), observation of coastal regions, geologic maps, environment, disaster monitoring, etc. The spacecraft carries two closely matched Earth observation sensors: the active SAR instrument and the passive OPS multispectral imager.' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/j/jers-1 end_date: 1998-10-12T00:00:00 href: identifier: japanese-earth-resource-satellite name: Japanese Earth Resource Satellite platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1992-02-11T00:00:00 uri: /platform/japanese-earth-resource-satellite url: ~ - description: 'Jason is the name of a joint CNES/NASA oceanography mission series with the objective to monitor global ocean circulation, discover the tie between the oceans and atmosphere, improve global climate predictions, and to monitor events such as El Niño conditions and ocean eddies. The oceanography mission series is considered a cornerstone of GCOS (Global Ocean Observing System), a concept advocated by WMO (World Meteorological Organization), IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UNESCO), UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program), and ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/j/jason-1 end_date: 2013-07-03T00:00:00 href: identifier: jason-1 name: Jason-1 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2001-12-09T00:00:00 uri: /platform/jason-1 url: http://sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/jason-1.html - description: 'Jason-2 is a follow-on satellite to the joint CNES/NASA oceanography mission Jason (or Jason-1, with a launch Dec. 7, 2001). Jason-1, in turn is a follow-on mission of TOPEX/Poseidon, the ocean surface topography since its launch in 1992 (operations ceased on Oct. 9, 2005).' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/j/jason-2 end_date: 2017-10-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: jason-2 name: Ocean Surface Topography Mission platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2008-06-20T00:00:00 uri: /platform/jason-2 url: http://sealevel.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/ostm.html - description: 'The KOMPSAT program was initiated in 1995 as a major space investment in Korea. Its objective is the development of a national space segment in Earth observation along with an efficient infrastructure and ground segment to provide valuable services to remote sensing users in various fields of applications. The science objectives of KOMPSAT-1 are:' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kompsat-1 end_date: 2008-01-31T00:00:00 href: identifier: korea-multi-purpose-satellite-1 name: Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite 1 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1999-12-21T00:00:00 uri: /platform/korea-multi-purpose-satellite-1 url: http://kompsat.kari.re.kr/english/index.asp - description: KOMPSAT-2 (also referred to as by South Korea) was developed by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) to continue the observation program of the KOMPSAT-1 mission. The main mission objectives of the KOMPSAT-2 are to provide a surveillance capability for large-scale disasters by acquiring high-resolution imagery for GIS (Geographic Information Systems) applications. description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kompsat-2 end_date: 2015-07-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: korea-multi-purpose-satellite-2 name: Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite -2 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2006-07-27T00:00:00 uri: /platform/korea-multi-purpose-satellite-2 url: http://kompsat.kari.re.kr/english/index.asp - description: "KOMPSAT-3 is an optical high-resolution Korean observation mission of KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). The mission is funded by MEST (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). The project was started in 2004. The objective is to provide observation continuity from the KOMPSAT-1 and KOMPSAT-2 missions to meet the nation's needs for high-resolution optical imagery required for GIS (Geographical Information Systems) and other environmental, agricultural and oceanographic monitoring applications." description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kompsat-3 end_date: 2016-05-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: korea-multi-purpose-satellite-3 name: Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite -3 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2012-05-18T00:00:00 uri: /platform/korea-multi-purpose-satellite-3 url: http://kompsat.kari.re.kr/english/index.asp - description: ~ description_attribution: ~ end_date: 2019-03-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: korea-multi-purpose-satellite-3a name: Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite -3A platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2015-03-25T00:00:00 uri: /platform/korea-multi-purpose-satellite-3a url: ~ - description: 'KOMPSAT-5 is part of the Korean National Development Plan of MEST (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) which started in 2005. The project is being developed and managed by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). The primary mission objective is to develop, launch and operate an Earth observation (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite system to provide imagery for geographic information applications and to monitor environmental disasters.' description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/k/kompsat-5 end_date: 2017-08-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: korea-multi-purpose-satellite-5 name: Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite -5 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 2013-08-22T00:00:00 uri: /platform/korea-multi-purpose-satellite-5 url: http://kompsat.kari.re.kr/english/index.asp - description: "Landsat is the pioneering US (United States) land remote sensing satellite program which has provided a continuous supply of synoptic, repetitive, multispectral data of the Earth's land surfaces since 1972. Over the years a large international user community evolved along with the Landsat series. The program opened entire new fields of research, providing insights into geologic, agricultural, and land-use surveys, and led eventually to new paths of resource exploration - in all, for a better understanding of the Earth system." description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/landsat-1-3 end_date: 1978-01-06T00:00:00 href: identifier: landsat-1 name: Landsat-1 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1972-06-23T00:00:00 uri: /platform/landsat-1 url: http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/landsat1.html - description: "Landsat is the pioneering US (United States) land remote sensing satellite program which has provided a continuous supply of synoptic, repetitive, multispectral data of the Earth's land surfaces since 1972. Over the years a large international user community evolved along with the Landsat series. The program opened entire new fields of research, providing insights into geologic, agricultural, and land-use surveys, and led eventually to new paths of resource exploration - in all, for a better understanding of the Earth system." description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/landsat-1-3 end_date: 1982-02-25T00:00:00 href: identifier: landsat-2 name: Landsat-2 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1975-01-22T00:00:00 uri: /platform/landsat-2 url: http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/landsat2.html - description: "Landsat is the pioneering US (United States) land remote sensing satellite program which has provided a continuous supply of synoptic, repetitive, multispectral data of the Earth's land surfaces since 1972. Over the years a large international user community evolved along with the Landsat series. The program opened entire new fields of research, providing insights into geologic, agricultural, and land-use surveys, and led eventually to new paths of resource exploration - in all, for a better understanding of the Earth system." description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/landsat-1-3 end_date: 1983-03-21T00:00:00 href: identifier: landsat-3 name: Landsat-3 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1978-03-05T00:00:00 uri: /platform/landsat-3 url: http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/landsat3.html - description: The Landsat spacecraft series evolved from an experimental program (LS-1 to LS-3) to an operational program (LS-4 and LS-5) as NASA developed and launched considerably improved spacecraft that were placed into lower orbits than the previous Landsat spacecraft and carried improved instrument suites. description_attribution: https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/l/landsat-4-5 end_date: 1993-08-01T00:00:00 href: identifier: landsat-4 name: Landsat-4 platform_type_identifier: spacecraft start_date: 1982-07-16T00:00:00 uri: /platform/landsat-4 url: ~